SIMKA SPOTLIGHT with Gemma Dimond

SIMKA SPOTLIGHT with Gemma Dimond SIMKA SPOTLIGHT with Gemma Dimond

SIMKA Spotlight with Gemma Dimond

Welcome to SIMKA Spotlight, where we shine a light on the individuals who inspire us. In each interview, we delve into their skincare rituals, favourite SIMKA essentials, and how they weave our products into their daily routines. Join us as we uncover the essence of SIMKA through the eyes of individuals who embody our dedication to nurturing skin health from within. 


This month, we’re diving into the world of beauty with Gemma Dimond, a standout in the industry and the force behind Glow Journal. We caught up with Gemma to explore how she’s integrating SIMKA products into her skincare routine and to hear her thoughts on the latest beauty trends. Join us as Gemma shares her top tips for a flawless routine, her favourite SIMKA products, and what’s next in the ever-evolving beauty landscape.  

Can you tell us about your journey in the beauty industry and what inspired you to start and the Glow Journal podcast? 
I initially started my career as a fashion writer (and later editor), and was headhunted by L’Oréal Paris to write beauty for their Australian advertorial platform. I was promoted to Editor of that platform (which I balanced with my fashion job- oh, to have the stamina of a 22 year old again!) while I finished my journalism degree, then opted to go with my fashion job full time once I’d completed my studies. I realised soon thereafter that beauty writing was my passion, so I started building out my freelance beauty writing clients and went out on my own at 23. It all snowballed from there! I realised through my writing work how many incredible stories there are within the beauty industry, so in 2018 I started the Glow Journal Podcast to share those stories and facilitate great conversations around the business side of beauty. I thought it would be a mini-series, but here we are 6 years later! 

How has your experience as a beauty writer and presenter shaped your perspective on beauty trends and products? 
It’s definitely made me a savvier consumer! I’m in an unbelievably fortunate position in that I get to play with products for a living, so it’s become abundantly clear over time when a brand is just creating a product for the sake of it, as compared to when they’ve developed something out of genuine need.  

What initially attracted you to SIMKA products? 
Initially, it was as simple as trusting the team behind the brand. I’d worked with Dermaviduals before and implicitly trusted what they were doing, so I felt really confident that SIMKA would work. What kept me hooked was a combination of ease and efficacy! Omega-3 is so, so important, and working SIMKA into my routine (I was initially a devout user of the oil but I’ve since converted to the soft gels as I’ve been travelling so much this year) has taken the guesswork out of ensuring I’m getting enough of it day-to-day.  
Could you share your first impressions of the SIMKA Bio-Cellulose Face and Under Eye Masks you've been testing? 
I’m hooked. Absolutely hooked. I’ve been keeping them in my fridge and they have SAVED me from looking tired during a really, really crazy couple of months. The way they plump up the skin instantly is pretty mind blowing.  
How do you think SIMKA stands out in today's crowded skincare market? 
I think it’s clear that everything SIMKA does is backed by research- this isn’t a brand that does things by halves, and that’s evident in the products.  

Looking ahead, what skincare trends are you excited about? 
It’s not a trend as such, but I’ve been loving the push we’ve seen in recent years towards a healthier skin barrier function. For years, if I felt a breakout or blemish coming on, instinct would tell me I needed to strip the skin with acids and exfoliants to more or less dry it out. Now I understand that healthy skin is about giving back to the skin, not taking goodness away from it.  
How essential is skincare in your daily routine? 
I can’t overstate how important skincare is to me. Beauty, and working through a ritual each day, really comes back to a feeling for me. I think that’s the through line for all of us who work in this industry- it’s about how beauty makes us feel. The Bio-Cellulose Under Eye Masks are a good little example of this… I had a 7.30am call time last week after 2 events the day and night prior. I wasn’t feeling my best so I popped on my under eye masks and within 20 minutes I was a new woman. If that’s not evidence of the transformative quality of beauty, then I don’t know what is! 

Which product(s) have become staples in your skincare routine, and why?  
If we’re talking products in general, then sunscreen is the most important part of my routine (as it should be for everyone!). If we’re talking SIMKA, I think the Under Eye Masks may be my new favourite… although they have some stiff competition from the soft gels.  
Have any SIMKA products surprised you with their performance or ingredients? 
I was pleasantly surprised by how quickly I felt a difference when I started taking the Alpha Omega-3 oil. It’s great for healthy skin, but the big change I noticed was in my energy- the 3pm slump is a thing of the past, and I’m certain I have SIMKA to thank as this was the only part of my routine that I’d changed! 
What’s one beauty secret or tip that you swear by and would share with your readers? 
Go to sleep! Easy for me to say as I don’t have children, but please prioritise your sleep. Rest, don’t burn yourself out, and don’t give into that awful old “girl boss” mentality and feel like you need to be hustling at all hours of the day. You’ll be happier and healthier, and that always shows on a person’s skin.  
What advice would you give your younger self when starting out your journey with skincare? 
Unfortunately you’ll still get the odd breakout as a 31 year old, but absolutely no one cares. No one will leave an interaction with you thinking “She was really nice, it’s a shame she had that pimple on her cheek.” How you look is the least interesting thing about you!